Running and Implementing AUDITS in Primary Care
If you’re working in General Practice, you will most likely be asked to run an audit at some point as this skill is deemed essential for any clinician in practice. The audit could be on a range of topics such as medication safety aspects, MHRA alerts or a quality improvement project. A typical audit is finding out how up to date the practice is with blood tests for patients on DMARDs for example.
We regularly receive questions from pharmacists in general practice on Audits:
How do you practically go about this? How do you set up searches on EMIS Web/SystmOne? Is there a standardised approach?
Here are a couple of things to help you:
Did you know that there are 6 steps to an audit cycle?
And that there are 10 components of the audit write-up?
Having a standardised approach to completing your Audit will ensure that all essential areas are covered & will also ensure your methodology is logical & your findings are presented clearly. This will allow your GP practice to showcase exemplary quality improvement work to CQC regulators.
We cover questions like these & many more in our upcoming training programme - Running & Implementing AUDITS in Primary Care.