Updated IIF Guidance

Has your #primarycarenetwork taken advantage of the updated IIF guidance?
NHS England released a letter on the 26th of September outlining the updates to #IIF incentives, where some indicators have been deferred to 2023/24 and IIF-ACC-05 has been retired.
In total, the above equals £37m of funding to be released to PCNs as a PCN Support Payment. The PCN Support Payment will be paid on a monthly basis and will be based on the PCN’s Adjusted Population. In line with the reinvestment commitment relating to IIF earnings, the PCN capacity and access support payment must be used to purchase additional workforce and increase clinical capacity to support additional appointments and access for patients.
Has your PCN made any plans to reinvest your current IIF income directly into the workforce and clinical capacity?
This is a significant opportunity to resource high-quality additional clinical capacity in areas that will contribute towards NHS vision of providing more proactive, personalised care with support from a multidisciplinary team of
Improving the quality of care for people with more complex needs, including, but not limited to, those with multiple long-term conditions.
If your organisation has yet to maximise this opportunity, Clinical Pharmacist Solutions can help.
Clinical Pharmacist Solutions is an award-winning training, recruitment and clinical services provider that specialises in supporting and utilising Clinical Pharmacist Skills in Primary Care.